Saturday, February 26, 2011
Life Is a Matrix of Consciousness
We are made of the matrix of consciousness. All life was spumed out to the one Source of river of conciousness. Your individualized conscioussness is thus the very foundation of your existence. All of your thoughts and actions are bubbles and droplets of the river of consciousness. In the ultimate sense, then, all things are made of pure consciousness, their finite apearance is the result of the relativity of consciousness. Therefore, if you want to change anything in yourself, you must change the process of thought that occasions the materializtion of consciousness into different forms of matter and action. That is the way, the only way, to remold your life...
We Are What We Think We Are
The habitual inclination of our thoughts determines our talents and abilities, and our personality.
Thus, some think they are writers or artists, industrious or lazy, and so on. What if you want to be other than what you presently think you are? You may argue that others have been born with the special talent you lack but desire to have. This is true. But they had to cultivate the habit of that ability sometime. So whatever you want to be, start to develop that pattern now. You can instill any trend in your consciousness right now, provided you inject a strong thought in your mind, then your actions and whole being will obey that thought. Do not settle for a one-track mentality. You should be able to succeed in any profession or do anything you put your mind to...
Thus, some think they are writers or artists, industrious or lazy, and so on. What if you want to be other than what you presently think you are? You may argue that others have been born with the special talent you lack but desire to have. This is true. But they had to cultivate the habit of that ability sometime. So whatever you want to be, start to develop that pattern now. You can instill any trend in your consciousness right now, provided you inject a strong thought in your mind, then your actions and whole being will obey that thought. Do not settle for a one-track mentality. You should be able to succeed in any profession or do anything you put your mind to...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Keep Your Head Up
Often we become bogged down in our daily routines and forget to look at the stars, or appreciate the beauty of the sunset. Take a loveone out somewhere special so that you once again get in touch with the majesty of the night sky or the splenor of another down...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Power of a Smile
Monday, February 21, 2011
Tu Mira
Tu mira! Se me clava en los ojos como una espada, se me clava en los ojos como una espada. De amores llora un a rosa, y le sirve de panuelo una blanca mariposa. De tanto dolor, sedienta de tanto vuelo, en un charco de agua clara aun se ve en el cielo. Y tu mira, se me clava en los ojos como una espada. y tu mira, se me clava en los ojos como una espada. Y mi prenda alegria se ba, se ba, y no tengo mas sueno que tu mira, cuando sueno tus ojos de madrugada, yo no puedo aguantarme de tu mira.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Shadows Of Our Selfs!
Many will be looking to the past wondering if things will ever be the same again, they may not. But the future is full of possibilities.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Febrero, el dia del amor! Amor, que significa amor para el mundo, este mundo material que se a convertido en una horrible pesadilla. Manana es dia de San Valentin, entonces he decidido escribir mi historia de algunos anos atras. Decidi escribir mi historia porque espero que algun dia mis dos hijos me lleguen a aceptar como un ser humano, que vale mas que todo lo demas. Siempre fui diferente, me identificaba con muy poca jente. Creci en un ambiente sano y conservdor, mucho amor! Mis hermanos, los adoro, fueron todos los 8 padres para mi y para mi hermano el mas pequeno, lla que mama se marcho a EUA despues de la muerto de papa. La primera vez que vi a mi Madre, recuerdo como si fuera ayer. Llego en un taxi, una senora elegante con muchas maletas. Yo me escondia tras las faldas de mi hermana, y yo preguntaba quien es esa senora? Ella respondio, es mama! Yo pense que ese era su nombre, yo nunca habia escuchado la palabra mama! Creo que solo tomo unos minutos, cuando recuerdo lla no me queria vajar de sus faldas y me gustaba llamarle mama! Desde entonces recuerdo que ella volvia cada ano. Recuerdo que me cosia unos hermosos vestidos, recuerdo eran de satin azules, y me hacia muy feliz. La casa era feliz la musica tocaba y tocaba y ella cosia y nosotros los mas pequenos jugabamos alrededor de la maquina y sus piernas los demas estudiavan, recuerdo siempre fiestas mi hermana Teresa cantaba una voz hermosa, nos llegaba a todos al corazon, mis hermanos increibles me ensenaron tanto, los amo. Desde muy pequena empese a viajar a diferentes vidas, lugares, recuerdo siempre era diferente, era muy bonito recuerdo muchos hombres de nogocios, buenas madres creando a su hijos viviendo una buena vida material llena de amor, dias de campo viajes, tantas experiencias. Unos de mis mejores recuerdos de nina, era cuando mi hermano Anatolio que me daba algunos pesos para comprarme una torta de jamon para irme al cine, siempre me gusto el cine, me encantaba escapar a otros mundos de fantacia.(Continuara)
Bless Me
Bless me, that I may find You in the temple of each thought and acitvity. Finding You within, I shall find You wothout, in all people and all conditions.
Teach me fo feel that it is Your smile manifesting in the dawn, on the lips of roses, and on the faces of noble men and women.
Teach me to find Your presence on the altar of my constant peace and in the joy that springs from deep meditation.:)
Friday, February 11, 2011
In the solitude of my mind i yearn to hear your voice
Take away the dreams of earthly sounds that yet lurk in my memory. I want to hear your quiet voice ever singing in the silence of my Soul.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Life is a show, don't take it too seriously...
Why take the surface details of life so seriously? Wheter man be agitated of calm, life will pursue its own strange course forever. Worry, fear, discouragement, only add to the weight of daily burdens, cheerfulness, optimism, will power, bring about resolutions to problems, So the best way to live is to take life as a cosmic game, with its inevitable cntrasts of defeat and victory. Enjoy the challenges as you would in a sport, no matter whether at the moment you are vitorious or vanquished. Give greatest importance to cultivating through daily soul awakiening meditation your relationship with God and your innner happines. When you are in the perfect calm of soul awarness, you see God moving in all creation. You don not see the world anymore as a nightmare of troubles, but as an entertaining spectacle to be enjoyed. Then you shall smile from the depths of your being, a smile that can ever be destroyed...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A Clear Conscience, Key to Fearless Living
Be a friend to all. Even if your love and trust are betrayed by some, don't worry. Always be yourself, you are what you are. This is the only sincere way to live. Though all may not want to be your friend, you should beriend all, never expecting anythin in return. I don't expect of anyone that he should be my friend and understand me. On the strength of this principle, I am at peace with myself and the world, and never feeel any cause for worry. The treasure of friendship is your richest possession, because it goes with you beyond this life. All the true friends you have made you will meet again., real love is never lost...Paramahanza Yogananda
Fear Ceases With the Contact of God
Fear is constantly haunting us. Cessation of fear comes with the contact of God. Nothing else. Through yoga you can have communion with him...
When I started in this path, my life at first was chaotic, but as i kept on trying, things began to clear up for me in a marvelous way. Everything that happened showed me that God is, and that he can be known in this life. When you find God, what assurance and fearlessness you will have! Then nothing else matters at all, nothing can ever make you afraid. You will feel his wonderful protection. Be fearless. It is the only way to be healthy.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Living Fearlessly
Fear develops a malignant magnetism by which it draws to itself objects feared, just as a magnet draws a piece of iron, and thus increases our miseries. Fear intensifies and magnifies our physical pain and mental agonies a hundredfold, and is destructive to the heart, nervous system, and brain. It paralyzes mental initative, courage, judgment, common sense, will power, and the sense to avert danger consciousness. Fear contaminates strong imagination and feeling, and through them may so influence the subconscious mind as to completely vanquish the willing efforts of the conscious mind. Fear throws a veil on intuition, shrouding the almighty power of your natural confidence that springs intuitively from the all conquering soul...

Friday, February 4, 2011
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