Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rose: Balancing your spiritual and material life...

Rose: Balancing your spiritual and material life...: It takes too much time and energy to keep too many possessions in good order. The truth of the matter is that the more unnecessary "necessit...

Balancing your spiritual and material life...

It takes too much time and energy to keep too many possessions in good order. The truth of the matter is that the more unnecessary "necessities" you have, the less peace you have; and the less your are possessed by possessions, the more happiness you have.
Don't get caught in the machine of the world, it is to exacting . By the time you get what you are seeking your nerves are gone, the heart is damaged, and the bones are aching. But isn't it better to live simply without so many worries? There is no pleasure in driving yourself until you cannot enjoy what you have.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rose: Inner Peace

Rose: Inner Peace: God is present on the throne of peace within you. Find him there first, and you will find Him in all that is good and meaningful in life, in...

Inner Peace

God is present on the throne of peace within you. Find him there first, and you will find Him in all that is good and meaningful in life, in true friends, in the beauty of nature, in good books, deep thoughts, and noble aspirations. Finding God within you, you will know that whatever in life gives you enduring peace is declaring to you the eternal presence of God, without as well as within. When you know God as peace within, you will realize Him as peace existing in the universal harmony of all things without. Practice meditation regularly and you will drown the distractions and sorrows of daily life.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rose: Learning the art of mental endurance

Rose: Learning the art of mental endurance: No sensation or mental torture can affect you if the mind is dissociated from it and andchored in the peace and joy of God. Evenminded endu...

Learning the art of mental endurance

No sensation or mental torture can affect you if the mind is dissociated from it and andchored in the peace and joy of God.
Evenminded endurance is called titiksha in Sanskrit. I have practiced this mental neutrality. When you practice such self discipline, your mind becomes impervious to all disturbing circumstances. If you think
 you can't do something, your mind is a slave. Free yourself. Try to rise above disturbances gradually. Endurance is what you must have. Whatever may be your trouble, make a supreme effort to remedy it without worry, and until is is resolved, practice titiksha.
If you are thinking that the winter weather is coming, and your are bound to catch cold, you are not developing mental strength. You have already committed yourself to certain weakness. You must mentally resist. Following commonsense precautions, but  will  not allow worry about it to invite the illness by weakening my mind. This is the right mental attitude, in your heart. sincerely do your best at all times, but without anxiety. Worry only pralyzes your efforts. If you do your best, God will reach down His hand to help you...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rose: Forgiveness

Rose: Forgiveness: One should forgive, under any injury, says the Mahabharat "It hath been said that the continuation of the species is due to man's being fo...


 One should forgive, under any injury, says the Mahabharat  "It hath been said that the continuation of the species is due to man's being forgiving.
Forgiveness is holiness, by forgiveness the universe is held together. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty, forgiveness is sacrifice, forgiveness is quiet of mind. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the Self possessed. They represent eternal Virtue"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Doing things for God is a very personal experience so stisfying

It is when you persistently, selflessly perform every action with love inspired thoughts of God that he will come to you. Then you realized that you are the Ocean of Life, which has become the tiny wave of each life. This is the way of knowing the God through activity.  When in every action you think of Him before you act, while you are performing the action, and after you have finished it, He will reveal Himself to you. You must work, but let God work through you, this is the best part of devotion. If you are constantly thinking that He is walking through your feet, working through your hands, accomplishing through your will, you will know Him. 
This is the surest way to contact Him in the mad rush of present day life.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Rose: The Value of Enthusiasm

Rose: The Value of Enthusiasm: Work of any kind, if done in the right spirit, gives you victory over yourself... The attitude with which your work is what counts. Mental l...

The Value of Enthusiasm

Work of any kind, if done in the right spirit, gives you victory over yourself... The attitude with which your work is what counts. Mental laziness and working unwillingly spoil one. People often ask me, How do you do so many things? It is because I do everything with the greatest pleasure and spirit of service. Inwardly I am all the time with God. And though I sleep very little I always feel fresh, because I perform my duties with the right  attitude, that it is a privilege to serve.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Rose: CREATIVITY: Tune yourself with the creative power of Spirit. You will be in contact with the Infinite Intelligence that is able to guide you and to solv...


Tune yourself with the creative power of Spirit. You will be in contact with the Infinite Intelligence that is able to guide you and to solve all problems.
The one who creates does not wait for an opportunity, blaming circumstances, the fates, and the gods. He seizes opportunities or creates them with the magic wand of his will, effort, and searching discrimination.
Before embarking on important undertakings, sit quietly, calm your senses and thoughts, and meditate deeply. You will then be
 guided by the great creative power of Spirit.

Monday, September 12, 2011

One With God, One With God's Power

In the ultimate sense man has all power. You can change anything you want to when your  consciousness is united with God's.
Automobile parts can be replaced or changed, as needful, but to effect a similar change in the physical body is more complicated. Mind which controls all the cells, is the basic factor. When a man attains full control of mind, his bodily cells and parts may be replaced or change as often as desired, and at will. There is complete control of matter when one is advanced spiritually.
He became visible, this whole universe is the body of God.
In the form of the earth He has a positive and a negative side. the north and south poles. The stars are His eyes, the grass and trees are His hair, and the rivers are his bloodstream. The ocean;s roar, the skylark's song. the cry of the newborn babe, and all other sounds of creation are His voice. This is the personal God. The heartthrob behind all hearts is His pulsing cosmic energy. He is walking in mankind's twenty six hundred million pairs of feet. He is working through all hands. It is the One Divine Consciousness that is manifesting through all brains. Because of God;s law of attraction and repulsion, the cells of the human body are harmoniously held together in the same way that stars are kept in balance in their proper orbits.
Again we see that man has indeed been made in the Divine image.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rose: World Peace

Rose: World Peace: Let us pray in our hearts for a League of Souls and a United World. Though we may seem divided by race, creed, color, class, and political p...

World Peace

Let us pray in our hearts for a League of Souls and a United World. Though we may seem divided by race, creed, color, class, and political prejudices, still , as children of the one God we are able in our souls to feel brotherhood and world unity. May we work for the creation of a United World in which every nation will be a useful part, guided by God though man's enlightened conscience.
In our hearts we can all learn to be free from hate and selfishness. Let us pray for harmony among the nations,  that they march hand in hand through the gate of a fair new civilization. Remembering victims of 911 RIP

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rose: Rose: World Peace

Rose: Rose: World Peace: Rose: World Peace : We live int the United States of the World with God and truth as our leaders. Heavenly Father, may Thy Kingdom of peac...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Rose: The Ideal Environment

Rose: The Ideal Environment: Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, Where knowledge is free. Where the world has not been broken up into fragments b...

The Ideal Environment

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, Where knowledge is free.
 Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls.
 Where the words come out from the depth of truth.
Where tireless striving stretches its arms toward perfection.
 Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit,
Where the mind is lead forward by the Thee into ever widening thought and action.
Into the heaven of freedom, My God let my country awake!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rose: Meditation is the way

Rose: Meditation is the way: Realization that all power to think, speak, feel, and act comes fro God, and that He is ever with us. Meditate with patience and persistenc...

Rose: Meditation is the way

Rose: Meditation is the way: Realization that all power to think, speak, feel, and act comes fro God, and that He is ever with us. Meditate with patience and persistenc...

Meditation is the way

Realization that all power to think, speak, feel, and act comes fro God, and that He is ever with us.
Meditate with patience and persistence. In the gathering calmness, you will enter the realm of soul intuition.
Go within the Self, closing the door of the senses and their involvement with the restless world, and God will reveal to you all His wonders.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rose: Nervousness is the disease of civilization

Rose: Nervousness is the disease of civilization: We should take time to enjoy things, the beauties of God's creation, the many blessings of life but avoid undue excitement, restlessness, a...

Nervousness is the disease of civilization

We should take time to enjoy things, the beauties of God's creation, the many blessings of  life but avoid undue excitement, restlessness, and sudden emotions, which burn up the nervous system.
 If you spend your life in constant excitement, you will never know true happiness. Live simply and take life more easily. Happiness lies in giving yourself time to think and to introspect. Be alone once in a while, and remain more in silence...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rose: World Peace

Rose: World Peace: We live int the United States of the World with God and truth as our leaders. Heavenly Father, may Thy Kingdom of peace come on earth as ...

World Peace

Add caption

We live int the United States of the World with God and truth as our leaders.

Heavenly Father, may Thy Kingdom of peace come on earth as it is in heaven, that we all be freed from divisive inharmonies and become perfect citizens, in body, mind, and soul, of Thy World"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rose: Exercise absolute fearless surrender to that Highe...

Rose: Exercise absolute fearless surrender to that Highe...: We have come on earth to entertain and to be entertained. This is why life should be a combination of both meditation and activity. If you ...

Exercise absolute fearless surrender to that Higher Power

We have come on earth to entertain and to be entertained. This is why life should be a combination of both meditation and activity. If  you loose your inner balance, that is just the time when you are vulnerable to worldly suffering . Watch life as a cosmic motion picture, then it cannot work its delusive magic on you  anymore.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rose: Don't be touchy or oversensitive

Rose: Don't be touchy or oversensitive: "Sensitiveness expresses itself in a lack of control over the nervous system. A thought of being offended runs through the mind and the nerve..."

Don't be touchy or oversensitive

Sensitiveness expresses itself in a lack of control over the nervous system. A thought of being offended runs through the mind and the nerves rebel against it. In reacting, some persons seethe inwardly with anger or hurt feelings and show no irritation outwardly. Others express their emotions in an obvious and instant reaction in the muscles of their eyes and face and often in a sharp retort of  their tongue as well. In either case, to be touchy is to make one self miserable, and to create a negative vibration that also adversely affects others. To be able always to spread an aura of goodness and peace should be the motive of life. Even if there is a good reason for being excited because of mistreatment, one who instead controls himself in such a situation is master of himself. Nothing is accomplished by silently brooding over some perceived offence. It is best to remove by self mastery the cause the produces such sensitiveness.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rose: Your inner and outer environment

Rose: Your inner and outer environment: "This world is not the same to all people. Each one lives in his own domain. Peace and harmony may reign in one person's world, strife and wa..."

Your inner and outer environment

This world is not the same to all people. Each one lives in his own domain. Peace and harmony may reign in one person's world, strife and war in another's. But whatever the circumstances of one's environment, it consists of both an inner world and an outer world. The outside world is the one in which your life engages in action and interaction. The world inside of you determines your happiness or unhappiness.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rose: Ignorance is the supreme disease

Rose: Ignorance is the supreme disease: "There are three kinds of illness, physical, mental, and spiritual. Physical sickness is due to different forms of toxic conditions, infectio..."

Rose: Ignorance is the supreme disease

Rose: Ignorance is the supreme disease: "There are three kinds of illness, physical, mental, and spiritual. Physical sickness is due to different forms of toxic conditions, infectio..."

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Supreme Help Comes From Tuning in With Spirit

We are babes in the woods of life, forced to learn by our own experiences and troubles, stumbling into pitfalls of sickness and wrong  habits. Again and again we have to raise our voices for help. But the Supreme Help comes from Spirit.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Would you open your lips of silence and whisper constant guiding thoughts to my Soul?

I was a prisoner carrying a heavy load of bones and flesh, but i have broken the chains of my muscle bound body by the power of relaxation. I am free. Now i shall try to go within.
I enter a dim corridor through the door of the spiritual eye, and speed on until at last the river of my life flows into the ocean of life and loses itself in bliss. His joy i tasted in the mountains of my existence.

When you find that your soul, your heart, every wisp of inspiration, every speck of the vast blue sky and its shining star blossoms, the mountains, the earth, the whippoorwill, and the blubells are all tied together with one cord of thythm, one cord of joy, one cord of unity, one cord of Spirit, then you shall know that all are but waves in His cosmic sea...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Power of a Smile

Conserve the vital energy, follow a blanced diet, and always smile and be happy. He who finds joy within himself discovers that his body is charged with electric current, life energy, not from food but from God. When one is joyful within, he invites the help of the inexhaustible power of God. I mean a sincere joyfulness, not that which you feign outwardly but do not feel within. When your joy is sincere you are a smile-millionaire. A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current energy to every body cell. The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the universal life energy.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Rose: Harmonizing Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Method...

Rose: Harmonizing Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Method...: "This morning i want to talk to you about healing, as the inspiration is coming through me now. Those who are suffering from some physical ..."

Harmonizing Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Methods of Healing

This morning i want to talk to you about healing, as the inspiration is coming through me now. Those who are suffering from some physical trouble feel that the pain will never end, while those who are not ailing think they are fine and never expect to be unwell. If you are in good health, be grateful, and whenever you see someone in trouble, mentally say to yourself, But for the grace of God, there go I. The human machine is most imperfect, and therefore unreliable. Yet see how it lasts for so many years. Have you seen any car run as long as the human body does? Nevertheless, this wonderful machine that God has created is anything but perfect.

We must know the characteristics of the human machine. Just as a car needs water, gas, and electricity, so does the body. Your gas and water supply come from the solids, liquids, and oxygen you take into your body. To utilize them, the energy of life must be present. That is the electricity. Without this life electricity you couldn't digest your food or assimilate oxygen. You can liken the body to an automobile battery, both require inner electricity to produce electricity or energy. A battery is better, because when it dies you can recharge it from an outside source. But when your physical body is dead, you cannot revitalize it.

The stomach is the weakest part of the human machine, and often the most abused. When digestion malfunctions, owing to overeating or wrong eating, it causes all kinds of troubles in the body. Ordinarily, when you see yourself in you mirror in the morning, you think you are quite all right. You don't realize that you are carrying many poisons in your system. The body is full of them. If you don't know how to get rid of these poisons, and the system can no longer handle them, disease results. In the American diet, protein poisoning, from the toxins in undigested protein, is usually the most at fault. In the East, the diet is often lacking in protein,  but in the West it is overstocked with protein, because you eat too much meat. One of the effects of undigested protein in addition to serious consequences such as heart disease and cancer is that the toxins work on your nasal membrane and make you susceptible to catching colds.

Bad colds affect the whole body adversely, and even obstruct the mind so that you can not think clearly. Colds are extremely disruptive to the yogi's meditation, preventing correct practice of meditation techniques

All those who need their voices, such as singers and lectures, are usually susceptible to throat troubles because they are more or less sensitive about the throat. So when a cold first starts in the nose you should arrest it immediately. If you don't it gradually settles in the throat and lungs. Do you know why? The heat of the body becomes unbalanced.
Speaking of colds, I'll give you some practical suggestions, gargling daily with a glass of warm salt water is a very good preventative for colds, as are right diet and exercise, and daily sunbaths for ten to thirty minutes, depending on the intensity of the sun and the sensitivity of the skin. If you do get a cold, it is best to stop it while it is only the nose, before it goes down into the throat and chest. The best way to quickly bring the cold under control is to fast. It will arrest the condition. There is nothing that kills a cold as quickly as fasting. If you can fast twenty four hours, the cold usually goes away. But if the condition is chronic. you must eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and also have plenty of fresh air and sunshine, and exercise. Many people believe in drinking lots of water when they have a cold. This is good if they have a fever, or congestion with thick mucus. Otherwise, excess water many make the mucous membrane very active. One of the worse things you can do when you have a cold is to drink hot beverage. Cold contracts, and heat expands. The heat may feel good for a little while, but it expands the cells and disturbs their normal function. And don't take ice cold drinks either.

If you get a chest cold, dip a turkish towel in very hot water, wring it out and rub the chest with it. Then wipe the chest area with a dry towel. Repeat this five times, two or three times a day. Keep the chest well covered after each treatment. These are the physical ways of preventing or getting over a cold...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ignorance is the supreme disease

There are three kinds of illness, physical, mental, and spiritual. Physical sickness is due to different forms of toxic conditions, infectious disease, and accidents. Mental sickness is caused by fear, worry, anger, and other emotional inharmonies. Soul sickness is due to man's ignorance of his true relationship with God.

Ignorance is the supreme disease. When one banishes ignorance he also banishes the causes of all physical, mental, and spiritual disease. My teacher often said, Wisdom is the greatest cleanser.

Trying to overcome various kinds of suffering by the limited power of material curative methods is often disappointing. Only in the unlimited power of spiritual method may man find a permanent cure for the disease of the body, mind, and soul. That boundless power of healing is to be sought in God. If you have suffered mentally over the loss of loved ones, you can find them again in God. All things are possible with his help.

Unless one really knows God, he is not justified in saying that only mind exists, and the one does not need to obey health laws or to use any physical aids for healing. Until actual realization is attained, one should use his common sense in all he does. At the same time one should never doubt God, but should constantly affirm his faith in God's omnipresent divine power.

The Self  Realization  energization exercises, place the least strain on the heart and provide for a uniform development of the body. Simple outdoor exercise, such walking, balance diet and moderation in eating, and  quiet meditation are all conducive to health.

Obey Nature's Laws and Have More Faith in God

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rose: Living Fearlessly

Rose: Living Fearlessly: "Meditation is the science of God-realization. Is the most practical science in the world. Most people would want to meditate it they underst..."

Living Fearlessly

Meditation is the science of God-realization. Is the most practical science in the world. Most people would want to meditate it they understood its value and experienced its beneficial effects. The ultimate object of meditation is to attain conscious awareness of God, and of the soul's eternal oneness with Him. What achievement could be more purposeful and useful than to harness limited human faculties to the omnipresence and omnipotence of the Creator? God realization
 bestows on the meditator the blessings of God's peace, love, joy, power, and wisdom.

Meditation utilizes concentration in its highest form. Concentration consists in freeing the attention from distractions and in focusing it on any thought in which one may be interested. Meditation is that special form of concentration in which the attention has been liberated from restlessness.

When fear or anger or any kind of suffering comes to me, I will view it as a spectator. I will separate myself from my experiences. At all costs I will endeavor to retain my peace and happiness.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two Evenings of Poetry

Moises Garcia 

It was such a pleasure spending time talking about his poetry and his writings. I just wish we had more time to hear more and enjoy a good late :)

The Golden Rule

Today's subject is a very important one. Everything you hear this morning you should strive to remember and put into practice. It is so easy to be inspired momentarily, and then forget much of what you heard. That is why i often employ repetition, for to penetrate the hard core of human consciousness, a truth must be repeated again and again. By such review, it gradually becomes a habitual part of one's thoughts.

There is a vast difference between just listening to a lecture and applying truths it contains. Everything my teacher told me I put it into practice. As a result of this tranning I have always kept my spiritual priorities straight. I never miss tree things: my meditations, morning and night, my excercises, and service to others. These I religiously perform, all else of less importance I somehow manage.

Living in the consciousness of God. I find many things that once seemed necessary have become unnecessary. To learn to be still and to be be able to feel the bliss and extacy and know that is God. One with God, one with God's power. These things that I tell you come from my own direct experience, and one day they will be a part  of your realization.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Una rosa para mi padre

My father die when i was  2yrs old. I only know stories, great stories! Hard working man, he was a contractor for the mines of mexico. He past at 49yrs old, from lung problems. I was 15yrs old when i wanted to get to know him, very soon after that i started to feel conected to him. I know he's always there when i need him. Every time I go home, I visit his  grave, and have conversations with him, and love to bring him flowers. And I thank him for my life...